Japan 1832-1858 (Tempo Era) Gold Nishu-Kin; weight 1.62g; 7mm x 13mm size; Group of 10 coins (We have a lower price for 50 coins or more; please email us)
Japan 1853-1865 (Kaei era) Silver Isshu-Gin; 1.89g; 10mm x 15mm size; Group of 10 coins (We have a lower price for 100 coins or more; please email us)
Japan 1859-1868 (Ansei) Silver Ichibu; AU-UNC; Group of 10 coins (We have a lower price for 100 coins or more; please email us)
Japan 1868-1869 (Meiji Era) Gold Nibu-Kin; weight 3g; 11mm x 19mm size; Group of 10 coins (We have larger amounts available; please email us)
Japan 1873; Silver 10 Sen; Meiji year 6; This is a beautiful coin with good luster; few marks; and some blue toning; ANACS certified MS-64
Japan 1874; 2 Sen; Meiji year 7; Abundant original color and flash; very nice example; NGC graded MS64 RB
Japan 1874; Copper 1 Rin; Meiji year 7; Chrysanthemum in center; KM 15; The smallest Japanese denomination; Nice with much red remaining; PCGS certified MS-64 RB
Japan 1875; Meiji 8; Half Sen; nice AU-UNC with red remaining
Japan 1877; Bronze 2 Sen; Meiji year 10; Variety with V shaped scales on the dragon; KM Y 18.2; Really nice coin with even color and lively fields; some red remains in the devices along with a touch of blue toning; NGC certified MS-63 BN
Japan 1877; Copper 1 Sen; Dragon; Meiji year 10; There is red remaining in the devices along with blue toning! Very flashy luster; A beautiful coin NGC certified MS-64 BN
Japan 1880; Meiji 13; Silver 1 Yen; scarcer date; NGC graded MS62
Japan 1894; Silver 10 Sen; Meiji year 27; A better date that is more expensive in uncirculated condition; Nice coin with minimal toning and marks; ANACS certified MS-62
Japan 1898; 5 Sen; Meiji year 31; Nice luster with no marks and no nicks; ANACS certified MS-63
Japan 1901; Meiji year 34; 1 Sen; Amazing luster and color; NGC certified MS-66 Red
Japan 1908; Gold 10 Yen; Meiji year 41; JNDA 01-7; From the Japan gold hoard held in San Francisco; Japanese Government Ministry of Finance holder (from their auction); Nice luster and no problems; PCGS graded MS-65 (includes PCGS photo cert)
Japan 1914; Taisho 3; Silver 1 Yen; nice luster; NGC certified MS-64
Japan 1917; Silver 10 Sen; Taisho year 6; Super gem; Amazing luster and no toning; Serial number will vary; NGC certified MS-67
Japan 2021; The Standard Catalog Of Japanese Coins; First Edition with 224 pages and written in English; One of the only references in English for Japanese coins from cash coins to modern issues; Includes shipping cost inside the USA
Japan 1600s-1800s (Koshu) Gold 1 Bu; A scarce provincial gold coin; Fr 40; No problems or chop marks; PCGS certified VF-35
Japan 1601-1695 (Keicho Era) Gold Ichibu-Kin; a rare variety
Japan 1725-1837 (Kyoho Era) Gold Oban; Original ink with certificate from the JNDA; Very rare!
Japan 1736-1818 (Genbun Era) Bean Money (Mameita-gin); JNDA 09-66; God of Plenty on both sides; Era designator on belly; Weight 5.6g; well centered with nice patina; Grade XF
Japan 1736-1818 (Genbun Era) Gold Ichibu-Kin (1 bu gold); 3.25g weight; 65.3% gold content; scarcer type; Grade XF
Japan 1736-1818 (Genbun Era) Gold Koban; Weight 13g; Gold purity 65.3%; Grade VF+
Japan 1765-1772; Meiwa 5 Monme; Scarce type; JNDA 09-46; 18.75g; Grade XF
Japan 1800s; Local provincial coinage of Koshu; Gold Shu Naka Kin; square-type; JNDA 09-90; KM#90; 9mm x 6mm; exceedingly rare; VF+
Japan 1819-1828 (Bunsei Era) Gold Koban; Weight 13.07g; Gold Purity 55.9%; Size 62mm x 33mm; Includes certificate of authenticity from the JNDA
Japan 1819-1829; Gold Ichi Bu; Bunsei Era; JNDA 09-38; 3.27g weight; 56.0% gold; Nice coin; Grade Choice XF
Japan 1820-1837 (Bunsei) Silver Chogin; Length 82mm; Weight 135g; XF $465
Japan 1824-1830 (Bunsei Era) Silver Shin Nanryo Nishu-Gin; PCGS MS63
Japan 1824-1832 (Bunsei Era) Gold Ichibu-Kin; JNDA 09-35; PCGS graded MS63
Japan 1824-1832 (Bunsei Era) Gold Isshu-Kin; a scarce type; JNDA 09-45; weight 1.4g; Grade XF
Japan 1828-1832 (Bunsei Era) Gold Nibu-Kin; rare type; 6.5g AU
Japan 1832-1858 (Tempo Era) Tsutsumi-Gin (Bean money original moneyer sealed pack) Kyoto moneyer (seal stamped on reverse) dating back to the Tempo era; Sealed in the early 1800s this rare un-opened package contains about 570g of Japanese Mameita-gin (bean money); As the weight of bean money varies; this pack may contain about 150 pieces with most being perhaps uncirculated! A rare museum piece that may be the only one in the United States and definitely a highlight of any pre-Meiji collection.
Japan 1832-1868 (Pre-Meiji Era) Original moneyer sealed pack containing 9 Ryo in Gold coins; The equivalent in gold of 9 koban weight made up of smaller size square coins; Sealed before the Meiji era started this rare un-opened package contains about 36 gold coins with some being perhaps uncirculated! The denominations of the coins in the bag are unkown but seem to be Ichibu-kin; A highlight of any pre-Meiji collection.
Japan 1837-1858 (Tempo Era) Gold Koban; weight 11.2g; lustrous and nearly UNC; Grade AU+
Japan 1837-1858 (Tempo Era) Gold Koban; weight 11.2g; bright and lustrous; Grade AU-UNC (great quality for the type)
Japan 1837-1858; Gold Ichi Bu; Tempo Era; JNDA 09-39; 2.8g weight; 56.8% gold; Nearly uncirculated with good luster; Grade Choice AU
Japan 1859-1865; (Ansei Era) Silver Chogin; Weight 108.6g; Length 82mm; Nice original patina with no damage; Grade VF
Japan 1860-1862 (Manen Era) Gold Oban; Size 81mm x 134mm; Weight 112.4g; Kichi-An-Dai Presentation Specimen with hand-made horizontal indentations variety; original ink in a choice state of preservation; includes JNDA photo certificate confirming authenticity and the original ink; Choice UNC
Japan 1860-1862 (Manen Era) Gold Oban; Size 81mm x 134mm; Weight 112.4g; machine-made horizontal indentations variety; original ink in a choice state of preservation; includes JNDA photo certificate confirming authenticity and the original ink; Choice UNC (includes wood presentation box)
Japan 1860-1862 (Manen Era) Gold Oban; Size 81mm x 134mm; Weight 121.4g; handmade horizontal indentations variety; original ink in a choice state of preservation; includes JNDA photo certificate confirming authenticity and the original ink; Choice UNC (Ex- Clark Smith)
Japan 1860-1862 (Manen Era) Gold Oban; Signed in Ink; 112.4g; Some ink missing which is normal; Grade VF
Japan 1860-1867 (Manen Era) Gold Koban; The Manen Koban is the smallest of the Koban gold coins; Size 36mm x 21mm; Gold purity 57.4%; Weight 3.3g; Nice gold color; Grade AU
Japan 1862; Akita Nami-sen; Bunkyo year 2; JNDA 12; 39g weight; Large 42mm diameter; Made of copper; Nice brown color; Grade XF
Japan 1862; Akita; Bunkyu Year 2; Short tail phoenix; Large 51.48 weight; Bronze 100 Mon; Grade XF
Japan 1863 (Akita) Silver Koban; 9 Momme 2 Fun; Length 77mm; Choice AU
Japan 1863 (Sendai); Lead 100 Mon; Bunkyu year 3; Large 59mm; 162.4g weight; JNDA-17; Used to pay miner's salaries at Hosokura; Grade VF
Japan 1867; Mito Kosen; Keio year 3; AU
Japan 1868-1869 (Meiji Era) Gold Nibu-Kin (2 Bu); JNDA catalog reference 09-29; 2.91g; PCGS graded MS62
Japan 1870; Meiji 3; Gold 2 Yen; NGC Certified MS-65 (super luster)
Japan 1870; Meiji 3; Gold 20 Yen; PCGS Graded MS-63
Japan 1870; Meiji 5; Gold 5 Yen; Old flag type; Gem! PCGS graded MS-66 with photo certificate; Japanese government holder
Japan 1871; Meiji 4; Gold 1 Yen; high dot; NGC graded MS-63
Japan 1871; Meiji 4; Gold 10 Yen; Old flag type; NGC graded MS-64 Gem
Japan 1873; Meiji 6; Silver 20 Sen; NGC MS-65
Japan 1873; Meiji 6; Silver 5 Sen; PCGS MS-67
Japan 1874; Meiji 7; Silver 1 Yen; ANACS certified AU details (lightly cleaned); rare date
Japan 1874; Meiji 7; Silver 1 Yen; NGC certified MS-62; rare date in superb condition
Japan 1874; Silver 20 Sen; Meiji year 7; Very bright coin with no toning; NGC MS-63 $325
Japan 1875; Copper 1 Sen; Dragon; Meiji year 8; There is red remaining all over the coin! Nice luster and no discoloration; Choice NGC certified MS-64 BN
Japan 1875; Meiji 8; Copper 1 Sen; Mint Error Brockage which is also 10% off center; Grade XF+
Japan 1875; Meiji 8; Silver 5 Sen; Wow! Flashy proof-like fields on both sides; NGC MS-67 PL
Japan 1875; Meiji 8; Silver Trade Dollar; NGC graded UNC (rev cleaned)
Japan 1876; Meiji 9; Silver 10 Sen; glittering flashy fields; NGC MS-66
Japan 1876; Meiji 9; Silver 10 Sen; very fresh luster; PCGS MS-67
Japan 1877; Meiji 10; Silver 10 Sen; very fresh luster; NGC MS-66
Japan 1882; Meiji 15; Silver 1 Yen; NGC certified MS-61 $450
Japan 1885; Meiji 18; Copper Half Sen; Full original red with even great color; nice luster; ANACS graded MS-63 Red (This coin looks much better than the picture and is of top quality original red color and flash)
Japan 1885; Meiji 18; Copper Half Sen; Full original red with even great color; no brown patches or spots; NGC graded MS-65 Red Brown $120
Japan 1885; Meiji 18; Silver 20 Sen; PCGS MS-65
Japan 1886; Meiji 19; Silver 1 Yen; Krause catalog number A25.3; rare later type with 217 edge reeds and 38.3mm diameter; NGC graded MS-62 (no toning; good luster)
Japan 1887; Copper 1 Sen; Dragon; Meiji year 20; A beautiful coin with nearly full red luster and flash in the device; No discolorations; NGC certified MS-64 RB
Japan 1889; Meiji 22; Silver 1 Yen; ANACS Certified AU-58; better date
Japan 1892; Meiji 25; Gold 5 Yen; Old flag type; Gem Japanese coin! Very rare date and very hard to find; NGC certified MS-64
Japan 1892; Meiji 25; Silver 10 Sen; Great coin with blinding proof-like reverse; PCGS MS-66
Japan 1895; Meiji 28; Silver 1 Yen; NGC graded MS-63 $425
Japan 1895; Silver 1 Yen; Meiji year 28; Large crown sized coin; Good luster under light toning; some blue color on obverse; NGC certified MS-63
Japan 1896; Meiji 29; Silver 1 Yen; NGC graded MS-62 (no toning)
Japan 1897; Meiji 30; Gold 10 Yen; NGC graded MS-63
Japan 1897; Meiji 30; Gold 5 Yen; deep gold color; PCGS graded MS-63
Japan 1899; Silver 20 Sen; Meiji year 32; Fantastic rainbow toning with untoned centers; This is the 20 Sen you have wanted! PCGS certified MS-66
Japan 1901; Gold 10 Yen; Meiji year 34; JNDA 01-7; From the Japan gold hoard held in San Francisco; Japanese Government Ministry of Finance holder (from their auction); Better date coin with a few bag marks; PCGS graded MS-64 (includes PCGS photo cert)
Japan 1904; Meiji 37; Gold 20 Yen; Gem NGC MS-66
Japan 1905; Meiji 38; Silver 20 Sen; blinding luster! Gem NGC MS-67
Japan 1907; Meiji 40; Gold 10 Yen; KM Y33; Bright luster and very few marks; Scarcer date; NGC graded MS-64 $1650
Japan 1908; Meiji 41; Gold 10 Yen; KM Y33; Bright luster and very few marks; Inside original Ministry of Finance red slab; PCGS photo certified MS-65
Japan 1908; Meiji 41; Gold 10 Yen; NGC MS-65; Japanese ministry of finance sale
Japan 1909; Gold 10 Yen; Meiji year 42; JNDA 01-7; From the Japan gold hoard that was stored in San Francisco; The holder is a red Japanese Government Ministry of Finance holder (from their auction); Nice color and great strike; no problems; Uncirculated
Japan 1909; Meiji 42; Gold 10 Yen; Bright and brilliant coin; NGC MS-65
Japan 1909; Meiji 42; Gold 10 Yen; NGC graded MS-64
Japan 1909; Meiji 42; Silver 20 Sen; PCGS MS-66
Japan 1910; Meiji 43; Silver 20 Sen; PCGS MS-65
Japan 1932 (Manchukuo); Gold Tael; 1 ounce 24k gold; KM#1.2; a few marks noted; Grade XF
Japan 1945; Showa year 20; Pattern 1 Sen; Proposed new coinage made from red porcelain created in several denominations and designs; Scarce item in perfect condition; Choice UNC $295
Japan 1950s-1980s; Gold 2 Momme (7.5g pure; .2411oz AGW) private ingot from a company in Nihonbashi; AU-UNC
Japan 1950s-1980s; Gold 2 Momme (7.5g pure; .2411oz AGW) private issue ingot; AU-UNC